Log on to the website or download the app from the app store
Choose the doctor of your choice to read the doctors profile
Book an appointment at a convenient time by making your payment
At the time of appointment, Click on the Join Now button from the dashboard to start the video consultation
What is required for the consultation?
Internet Connection with a minimum speed of 1Mbps
Built-in or stand alone camera, microphone and speaker
Google Chrome browser
How do I make the payment?
Payments can be done in your local currency (we support over 96+ different currencies) using a valid credit or debit card
Departments available for Telemedicine Facility
We have doctors from the following specialities:
Emergency Medicine
General Medicine
Download the BMH Consult application
Anyone across the world now can book an online video consultation with the doctor from the hospital and consult from the comfort of your home or wherever comfortable for you.
You can easily make appointments for the same day or for a future date
Make payments in your local currency (93+ currencies supported)
Anyone across the world now can book an online video consultation with the doctor from the hospital and consult from the comfort of your home or wherever comfortable for you.
You can easily make appointments for the same day or for a future date
Make payments in your local currency (130+ currencies supported)